Monday, June 16, 2014

A Terrible Blogger

...but an awesome mover!

After waiting for so darn long to be able to get to a warm weather place, this move sure is happening fast!  We found out that we would be moving for sure when a final offer came in from my husband's soon to be new workplace on May 29th.  We will be moved out of our house completely by June 25th, with said house being sold and closed no later than June 27th.  Now that's some seriously fast moving.

Everything is whizzing right along and happening as it should.  We are so excited to be seeing this through!  In the meantime, it doesn't leave any room for anything extra at all.  No time for playing around.  No time to think twice.  Just get rid of stuff, pack and move, and repeat.   That means my blog visiting is seriously lacking.  I will be back at it just as soon as I am in the new place, which should be shortly after the 4th of July as we are spending time with family in Palm Springs for the holiday.  I am so looking forward to getting back to more blogging interaction.

Let me leave you with a wonderful little coincidence:  while picking up some dog supplies at our local pet store, I ran into Tanner's trainer.  She told me that the English Bulldog that had trained along side him and his owner will be moving to SoCal as well.  It turns out Tanner's good buddy will be in the very next town over, a little closer to the beach.  We are already planning to have them meet up to play!  How cool is that?!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tanner Would Like To Forget The Whole Thing

This move and all of its ruckus is proving to be a bit difficult for our little chihuahua, Tanner.

Lately I find him hidden away in the guest room, more often than not.

He just can't understand what the heck is going on in his world these days.  And I don't blame him.  There's an awful lot going on!  We are now in contract to sell the house, I've sold off roughly 1/4 of everything we have and am set to sell another 1/4 starting on Thursday.  And of course, everything that's left is being packed.

Yesterday was especially tough for little Tanner.  He was outside in the back yard and I suddenly heard him screech like I've never heard before.  I found him whining and holding up his left front paw.  Right at that moment a bee came and stung him right on his bum!  The poor dog was stung twice by bees! 

Luckily Tanner is not allergic to bees, but he certainly seems to feel like he's allergic to all this chaos! 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Let's Try This Again!

For anyone who tried to head over to a new blog that I had planned to use, I am sorry but that just didn't work out.  I have reposted below the main info. from the one post that I managed to get out before I realized that the new blog was a bust...

We have 'jumped at' the chance to have a life in 'the sun'!  In just 24 days my husband and I will leave the Seattle area and make a move down to Orange County in Southern California.  We are looking for a warm weather lifestyle and seeking to challenge ourselves to reach higher than we ever have before.

This follows a long journey that started with a desire to move to Texas and a proclamation that California was not for us!  After purchasing a second home in Palm Springs, CA and realizing that there was a good reason why we kept coming back to SoCal every time we had the chance, we could not deny that SoCal is where we belong.  At this moment SoCal feels right for just a time, but we don't know how long that time will actually be.  It feels good to be open to whatever life brings.

Please join me as the journey continues...

I now have just 3 weeks to go before the big move.  Yesterday we started the process of selling off half of everything we own.  It went great!  We sold so much that I had to really dig for stuff for today's sale.  Then I plan to take a 'break' and just pack stuff over the weekend. 

Thanks for hanging in there with me and there will be a change-up of this blog soon, but I will continue to post only HERE!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

OK, So That Didn't Work Out At All....

Just an update for anyone who attempted to move on over to a new blog that I had wanted to start:  ugh, what a mess!  I will be changing this blog up soon and THIS will remain the ONLY place that I post at.  I tried the whole google plus thing and ended up having to delete the account, (which was way too much like facebook anyway and that stuff just scares me) because it was trying to take over my computer and crashing it like crazy!
Anyway, I will post as I can here soon and let you know how our SoCal move is going.  I am up to my neck in that for now so I will be here few and far between for now!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Please join me over at my new blog: Jump At The Sun
There is big news!