Tuesday, July 10, 2012

That's What I Get... And A Handy Dandy Guide To Seattle Weather

Me and my big mouth.
I should have known better. 
Speak of the sun in Seattle and it is sure to make its exit.
If not sooner.

This is what it looked like today (July 10) at high noon in Seattle:

My husband says that you can still tell that it's summer because the sky is a lighter shade of grey.  Whatever...
I should have remembered that we have 12 different distinct weather zones in our state that often wreak havoc on one another so the people who forecast weather are often wrong.  And I think they try really hard to remain optimistic...

Oh well, there's still that two weeks of summer we sometimes get in early August. 

I can't wait!!!

And for those who mistakenly think that here in the Northwest since we don't get summer, we might get other actual seasons. 
Not so much.

Here's that handy dandy guide I promised you.  It's from the guy at theoatmeal.com.  Enjoy!


  1. I read you loud and clear. When we lived in the mountains of New Hampshire, it seemed like we only had two weeks of summer - and then bitter cold. Seattle, however, is a great city, and the gateway to some great adventures. Enjoy!

  2. Yep... the local joke here in Southern Oregon is... If you don't like the weather just wait 5 minutes, cuz it'll change. :-D

  3. Bahaha! That's like us, here in Texas. One minute, the sun is shinning, the next, there's a monsoon outside! It's like bipolar or something!!!


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