Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What If Wednesday, The Valentine's Edition

file: poly.gif found @ wikimedia commons
First off, let me say that I absolutely will be getting back into posting more than just these 'What If, Wednesdays'. I have plenty of excuses, but you're not really interested in that, are you??? No. Also, next week I will be sure to post a 'What If' of a little more lighthearted nature. But for this week, this was on my mind and it gives another twist to Valentine's week. So I had to go with it! And now, for the 'What If'... What if polygamy becomes as mainstream as gay marriage is now becoming in today's society? There's a lot that brought this question to mind for me. It seems like polygamy, polyamory, and the like are in the media on a daily basis these days. I'm really concerned with the question as it pertains to how this changes relationships among families and what it does to traditional society. I know we can all agree that the idea of anyone marrying underage people and keeping them hostage is out of the question. No, I'm interested in people who freely choose this lifestyle and what it means if they find more acceptance in mainstream society. Have a great Valentine's week!


  1. Honestly, I don't really care if someone is a polygamist. As long as everyone is a consenting adult, then it's none of my business as far as I'm concerned. JMO.

    1. You're right adults can pretty much do whatever they want. What about the children of polygamists? Just curious as to what people think of the whole picture.

  2. Are we talking about eventually making polygamous marriage legal? I think that is where you are going.

    If we are taking gay marriage as the example... first there was the acceptance that people are gay. Okay. Then there was the acceptance that is okay for gay couples to live together. Okay. Each time these things became "okay" it became politically incorrect to voice an opinion that negated the okay-ness of it. Now gay marriage is being accepted as okay from a legal point of view. Okay. I don't have a problem with gay folks, gay folks living together, or even gay marriage. I do have a problem with the gay community making it politically incorrect to disagree with the idea. And worse, attempting to leverage Christian churches into performing gay wedding ceremonies when it is not accepted by said church.

    I haven't been hearing or reading about polygamy. I wasn't aware that it was being brought to the forefront of the collective consciousness. I am aware that if people think it is okay the next step is legalization. And, of course, it becomes politically incorrect to voice an objection.

    The family has been in breakdown for a very long time now. Since the end of WWII I would say. The divorce rates confirm that. People now enter into marriage with the idea that if it doesn't work out they will just get a divorce. It is hard for two people to keep it together. I can't see relationships improving by adding a third person (or more). My suspicion is that if polygamy is legalized the divorce rate will just climb proportionately. The fracturing of the family will continue and we will have more and more young people out there that have no foundation on which to build a successful relationship.

    I am having a hard time seeing how this will benefit society. Am I missing something?

    1. You're on to me, my dear. I am absolutely thinking about what will happen if we legalize polygamist marriages. And your explanation about what happens when things become 'accepted' in society is probably the best and most eloquent I have seen.
      I am especially concerned about what happens to the kids- particularly little girls who get the message that they don't deserve to have the love of their husband to themselves alone.
      And I feel that this is probably part of the march towards no marriage at all. I see society putting less and less value on marriage with the anything goes attitude.
      You never miss much and you haven't here!

  3. Sin is sin...go for it if you want the consequences!

    1. I admire those who can still state their beliefs in this society. It is tough these days to find anyone who is willing to draw a line.

  4. Live and let live, I say! Happy Valentine's Week or as I call it, "Happy Single Awareness Day" :)

    1. I do like the 'idea' of live and let live, especially for grown adults. After all, I do support freedom of religion and polygamy usually has a lot to do with personal religious beliefs. I do also have a lot of concern over what the end game is when it comes to changing traditional marriage or really any traditional part of society.
      If things go as I think they might, in the end, singlehood will probably be more popular than ever!
      Have a great week!

  5. I understand the feeling that "it's none of my business" but is that true? It is our business if it affects our culture and the fabric of a nation. It seems to me that we keep throwing out the boundaries in the guise of political correctness. We are going to politically correct ourselves to collapse in my opinion.

  6. I used to always dream of having more than one wife but I never found a wife who would agree to the idea. Probably better that it never happened.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  7. Nature is perfect. I have enjoyed a fantastic marriage by finding the woman who has all the qualities and values I need to get me through life happily. I can't imagine five "one-fifth" wives.

  8. Jasmine...just wanted to let you know that I dedicated something to you on the Thursday post. Hope you like it:)


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