Thursday, December 2, 2010

First Award And I'm Already Gonna Cheat...

Robin, over at YOUR DAILY DOSE saw fit to give me this:

Now it is up to me to bestow it onto 7 others.  Then I have to give those who read my blog 7 new tidbits about me that I haven't shared before.  Oh and dazzle the giver, Robin, back- which is easy to do as she's super cool. 

Robin looks at things in all sorts of unique ways.  She writes about her life and her BIG IDEA and weaves in some fun and her own brand of wisdom while she's at it.  Robin was one of the people who inspired me to start the blog that you are now reading.  I would often read her and so badly want to join in. So basically without her (and a few others), there would be no 'A Yellow Rose Of Texas'.  Robin loves 80's music and fun TV and likes to share insights, often using video to do so.  I only wish that I could write as prolifically as Robin, and have her knack to make that writing be meaningful in some way.   Robin was nice enough to comment on everything I wrote when I got started a couple of months ago.  I can't thank her enough for her support in this whole blogging thing.

Now, on to the 7 new recipients of the 'Stylish Blogger Award'.  

1) The Big Fat Gini Blog   Gini is funny and she really lets it all hang out.  I like her 'cuz she's from Texas and reminds me of what made me want to move there in the first place.

2) Loretta's Journey From 460 to 199...One Good Choice At A Time   Loretta has an awesome heart and she knows how to read my heart as well.  She is a fabulous artist and her weight loss journey is pretty amazing too. 

3) Faith, Love, Kids and Me  Amber is a real family woman.  She makes living at her house sound like all kinds of family bliss.  Good, real, chaotic fun going on over there.

4) The Southern Girl Gang Chronicles  Candance, Leiah, Aunt Crazy and Michelle make up a tour de force of Southern Charm mixed with some good old fashioned inappropriateness.  Makes me wish I was born below the Mason Dixon line, just so I could be as cool as all this.

5) Middle Passages  Liza is a real life writer.  She's published and everything.  She's also just real.  Which I like.  'Nuff said.

6) Life In Texas/ Wonder Walking  Krista knows how to live in the moment.  She is someone who also made a move to Texas, so I can relate.  She also touches on many topics I don't relate to, so I learn stuff.

7) A Deliberate Life  Christine gets hit with the award stick pretty often, so this is where the cheating comes in.  I'm gonna exempt her from actually having to do anything with it, other than accept it.  Christine is a weight loss blogger turned 'life liver extraordinaire'.  It's good stuff over there- read her.

Now for the second aspect of the cheating I'm doing with this here award.  I will be posting my 7 things you don't know about me tomorrow.  Thanks for being patient.


  1. It sounds like you have found some pretty awesome blogs. I have thought about reading THE SOUTHERN GIRL GANG CHRONICLES, but I am already rolling on the floor with CRAZY TEXAS MOMMY and A SOUTHERN BELLE TRYING NOT TO RUST, which is half of that gang. I wasn't sure I could take any more. Christine inspires me every day. One of all-time favorite blogs to read. I had to comment on her blog faithfully for like a month before she noticed I was alive, but it was so worth it. She gives the best comments and advice. And she really cares. Now, I feel like I have to read some of the others you've mentioned AND I already read SO MANY. Uggh. However, stick with this thing. If you give insightful comments and keep reading, they will follow you back. I think of this whole thing like the movie FIELD OF DREAMS: IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME. So, they will come. Hang in there.

  2. Awww... that is sweet of you to include me in the list!
    But I've decided to back of awards again for awhile. I just don't have time. And with the holidays, something has to give. ;-)

    But thank you... it's the thought that counts!

  3. Awwww, thanks from the Southern Girl Gang!

    To your commenter Robin, please, go on over and take a look at the SGG blog, it's GREAT and I'm not just saying that cuz I'm one of the girls! (wink wink)


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