Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow? I've Gotta' Know

In my household SNOW is a nasty four letter word.  I despise it and feel as if, when it snows, someone or something is truly out to get me.  My husband is from eastern Pennsylvania and has had his fill.  Besides, knowing how much I loathe it has only made him have even less love for the white stuff.
Snow makes me feel trapped.  Snow has been at least partially responsible for me wrecking my car right before our first anniversary and hence making it so we spent the money we were going to spend on a fun trip paying our insurance deductible.  The weight of heavy, wet, northwest snow has caused the carport at my old apartment to collapse.  Thankfully, that time I followed my gut instinct and moved the car right before this happened!  Once there was a sudden huge snowfall that caused a big tree in our neighbors yard to crack and drop one ton of itself onto my nice new car.  Funny, the old car was closer but somehow that tree had it in for the new one.  The car was never the same, even though it was fixed.  I couldn't stand it and traded it in with less than 8,000 miles on it.  Yeah, I really don't dig snow.  Maybe snow just has it in for my cars.

This winter has actually been pretty mild out here.  And I missed one really cold stretch while I was in Palm Springs, so that was awesome.  Naturally, I am feeling pretty darn good about the fact that I am NOT sitting in any of that crummy white stuff right now.  I mean, what are the odds that I would be in one of the best weather spots in the whole country right now?  O.K., I'll shut up about it.  But I am also feeling like my non-love of snow is really not fair.  It never gets that bad around here (OK barring the winter of 2008 in which Christmas was basically cancelled and I actually started to cry daily when the stuff wasn't melting AND a pack of raccoons took over the neighborhood because the garbage truck couldn't get there for 3 weeks, but anyway...)  So my thought is this:  while I have had my 'bouts with snow and my reasons for not loving it, tell me what's going on where you are.  Give me the worst of it.  The uglier, the better.  Oh and let me know what I am missing out on as well.  I'm sure snow has some redeeming quality, right?

1 comment:

  1. I have been snowed in for two days! But, I love it!
    Have a pretty day!


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